The future of healthcare: The impact of AI

Doctor on computer

Right now, 我们只看到了人工智能未来的医疗保健会是什么样子, but there’s little doubt the changes will be huge.

“人工智能有可能对医疗保健产生深远的变革,”他说 Saeed Hassanpour, PhD, 他是生物医学计算机科学家,也是新成立的十大博彩推荐排名精密健康与人工智能中心的首任主任。CPHAI).

“人工智能可以通过使其更具预测性、预防性和个性化来彻底改变患者护理. 它还可以提高医疗保健服务的效率和可及性, improve diagnostic accuracy, optimize treatment plans, enhance patient monitoring, and streamline administrative tasks,” he explains.

How AI will transform healthcare

Hassanpour表示,人工智能对生物医学信息大数据集的分析将在新的医疗保健领域发挥至关重要的作用. 信息将通过越来越便宜和先进的实验室方法收集, such as genomic sequencing, molecular testing, and imaging techniques, as well as wearable monitoring devices.

“AI can uncover patterns that humans might miss, 导致疾病的早期发现和更好的结果. AI can also help in prevention by identifying risk factors, allowing for timely interventions before conditions develop, thus contributing to a healthier population,” he says.

Innovation that’s collaborative, ethical, and integrative

The mission of CPHAI is to facilitate those advances with novel, interdisciplinary research, education, 和实用工具的开发,同时确保人工智能的道德使用.

“Ultimately,” Hassanpour says, “我们的目标是将十大博彩推荐排名学院和十大博彩推荐排名健康学院定位为人工智能驱动的医疗保健创新的先锋力量和全球领导者,并展示如何将人工智能道德和有效地整合到医疗保健中. I hope it will be a model for other institutions to follow.”

Saeed Hassanpour
Saeed Hassanpour, PhD十大博彩推荐排名精密健康和人工智能中心主任

Based on the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center 该中心成立于2023年6月,初期资金为200万美元 Geisel School of Medicine and Dartmouth Cancer Center

Going forward, Dartmouth Health will partner with the Center in collaborative research, clinical trials, and the implementation of AI tools in clinical practice.

“Our team at CPHAI,” Hassanpour says, 包括十大博彩推荐排名健康中心各个临床部门的临床副主任, 带来不同的专业知识来支持我们在临床环境中的目标. 我们的合作者来自各个学科和部门, 我们还受益于一个多元化的顾问委员会,其中包括十大博彩推荐排名健康中心的主要领导人和利益相关者.”

In addition, 十大博彩推荐排名卫生IT部和十大博彩推荐排名计算研究中心正在合作建立一个支持人工智能的安全数据处理平台.

“这种伙伴关系确保了我们开发的人工智能解决方案与临床相关,并可以迅速转化为患者护理, 使当地社区和更广泛的医疗保健领域受益,”  Hassanpour says.

临床医生和人工智能科学家将定期举行专题讨论会和研讨会. “这些会议和互动为临床医生提供了一个分享他们实际挑战和见解的平台, while AI scientists propose technological solutions,” Hassanpour says. “这种协同作用将确保我们的研究立足于现实世界的临床需求, fostering innovation that directly benefits patient care.”

On leveraging AI’s power to transform

虽然主要重点是人工智能和机器学习的跨学科研究,以利用生物医学数据的力量, 哈桑普尔说,CPHAI计划对医疗保健的许多方面产生重大影响.

“该中心的工作有望在医疗保健方面产生几项变革性的改进,” he says. “By leveraging advanced AI algorithms, we can significantly enhance diagnostic accuracy, leading to earlier and more precise disease detection. 我们的人工智能驱动工具将实现高度个性化的治疗计划, optimizing therapeutic outcomes for individual patients.”

他补充说,将人工智能工具集成到临床工作流程中也可以减少医疗错误, streamline administrative tasks, reduce inefficiencies and lower healthcare costs, 使资源更有效地分配给病人护理.

为了获得FDA对开发的工具的批准, chai还将与十大博彩推荐排名健康临床试验办公室合作,评估临床试验中的人工智能算法, facilitating their translation into practice.

On being equitable and free from biases


“主要的伦理和社会考虑不仅包括确保人工智能模型的公平性和减轻偏见, but protecting patient privacy and data security, and promoting equitable access to AI technologies,” Hassanpour says. “We also engage diverse stakeholders, including patients and clinicians, 确保人工智能惠及社会各阶层.”

另一个优势是,医疗保健领域的人工智能市场预计将从2020年的不到50亿美元增长到2026年的450亿美元以上, CPHAI的工作将通过培养受过人工智能培训的当地劳动力来帮助适应这一增长. 在众多举措中,十大博彩推荐排名学院的研究生项目包括机器学习课程和实践研究机会.

“By fostering local talent, 我们增加了各种医疗保健团队可以招募的熟练人员的数量, 开发先进人工智能技术的部门和项目. 这也支持了上谷的创业生态系统, 推动本地区的创新和改善医疗保健服务.” That, he adds, 会使该地区成为吸引科技和医疗保健公司的目的地吗.

What the future holds

“The future of AI in healthcare is incredibly promising,” Hassanpour says, 因为它有可能改变病人护理的方方面面, 从诊断和治疗到预防和个性化医疗, ultimately leading to better health outcomes for all.”

本文最初以“医疗保健的未来:人工智能的影响”为题发表在《十大博彩推荐排名》杂志2024年6月刊上 Connections Magazine and has been modified for the web.